Sunday, July 11, 2021

I’m changing it up!  I have to admit I have a lot on my mind.  As a somewhat of a new single I know I am not the only one who has had life slap them in the face.  One day I had this great marriage (or so I thought) only to be left abandoned by the one and only person I gave myself fully to.  Someone I thought was the closest to showing me real unconditional God like love.  Now, I am ready to share my story, my road and God’s love through all of this.

Along with that I would like to share stupid stuff people say that they think will make you feel better. Slogan’s we live by that really aren’t biblical and leave us wondering what the heck did they just say to me?  People mean well, trust me I get it but I think sometimes we aren’t sure what is really biblical and what is true when people say stuff that just doesn’t make sense.

I will also walk through the scriptures that God has thrown at me.  Seriously, God does speak through his scriptures.  Over the last 6 years I have saved all the scriptures that God has tried to reach me with.  This is going to be both interesting to you all and me as well as I look back at them.  Hopefully, a few will touch someone else’s life.  I don’t want to be greedy and keep them to myself.  LOL!

Lastly, you will see posts about my somewhat art business called Painted Praize.  Because....well, I believe it God's direction and there's even a story around that.  I love the thought behind helping other women.  You don’t have to buy, share or look at anything but I do want you to keep a few things in mind.  You would be helping me as a single lady struggling to make ends meet from time to time but you would also also be helping other women who have been hurt, abused, left behind, abandoned.  If you are single you should totally relate to other women’s struggles.  So please don’t get annoyed when you see a few personal ads about Painted Praize.  I have high hopes in blending my business with ministry.  Please keep in mind that my logic is just that.  My logic.  I may hit the nail on the head or drop it on my foot.  I'm not always going to be right.  I'm just me sharing my life in hopes of helping other people.  That's pretty much all I know.  Ministry has been in my blood since a child.  You'll learn more about that down the road.'s to a new ministry blog starting all over.!