Thursday, January 26, 2006

Today is THURSDAY!

Yesterday I thought was Thursday. I was in a panic because I had so much to do before getting ready for the concerts this weekend. As soon as I put my head to the pillow I realized that...I still have one more day before Friday. I have no idea what I was thinking. LOL! All that fret for nothing! So...that made me think...Do we sometimes just look for stuff to fret about? If you are reading this you have GOT to know that I'm not a deep writer! My messages are simple and that's how I am on stage. Have you ever heard of KISS(Keep It Simple Stupid)? That's my moto. If I can get it... anyone can! God didn't make us to be fretters! We say we put our trust in him and the first sign of trouble we cave. Yesterday I was freting over nothing. A whole day my mind had something on it, it didn't need to have. What a waste of brain space! Not only wasn't even something to fret over! Wasn't life threating,wasn't going to change the world,wasn't going to change my life style or my ministry. So...why did I choose to do that? I'm guessing because it was easy to focus on the negative and not the postive. If I would have stopped long enough and listened God probably would have showed me it was Wednesday but...he couldn't break through. I wouldn't let him until I finally rested my mind and as soon as I did he spoke! Sometimes we just need to stop...and be quiet! God speaks in quiet moments! So...take time to just be quiet! He wants to talk to you need to listen!

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