Friday, December 22, 2006

Rocky- Yes Even I got a lesson from it!

We were planning on going to the Nativity tonight as a Christmas get together with friends. Come to find out that wasn't showing at the Mall at night. Hmmmm...Not sure why but we chose the Rocky movie. We laughed and joked about how lame it was going to be. But...I have to say I really liked it! I gave it a 4 out of 5 tonight when ask. Maybe because I needed to hear what this movie was saying. It wasn't about winning to me but moving forward with your life passions. If you are a fighter that's all you know. Apply that to anything. If you are a SINGER...that's all you know. Fighters quit because people tell them it's time but...sometimes you know deep down you're just not being called to quit just yet. I'm at that point. my head. Life is about the young. I'm not old...not YET. But...some people try to put me there. God called me to sing and share my life with others. He's called me to use my gifts. I've never heard him tell me it's time to hang it up. But...I have had people for all the wrong reason try to make me think that. Tonight was a moment to re-evaluate myself. I believe that God was making me think again for the umpteen time's not over till he says it is and I'll know when that is with no question. To sum this up...don't let anyone take your time from him! I know we all struggle with this from time to time. People can have all the right intentions or all the wrong motives it what they try to make you believe your heart you know. There's that feeling of God tugging to keep moving past the hits. I'm keeping that close for 2007 Blessings and Merry Christmas! leah

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